2024 Lush Lawn Tips: Adjustment commands of lawnmower’s height

80% of today’s generation is grass-loving. And, they preferred lawnmowers for taking care of their lawns. But they have no idea how to tackle its height while working. Are you also one of those? If yes, then we will be your final approach to gaining your target.

Here, you’ll find a step-by-step guide on how to set the correct lawn mower height. And give your lawn a makeover in no time. The grass-cutter requires some adjustments to work properly. You have to push the mower’s lever by raising its back wheels for longer height. And similarly, lowering its back wheels to set the shorter height.

But you should pay attention to these environmental factors first. This includes:

  • Your personal preferences
  • Variety of turf species
  • Type of grass
  • Climate change

Also, the sharp quality of lawn mower blades should be your priority. Because, after setting the height of the mower, its installation is a bit difficult. So be careful while washing it. And rub them with a dry cloth after washing.  Otherwise, your lawn will almost certainly get a poor cut.


Step-by-Step measurement and adjustment of lawnmower’s height:

When you purchase the lawnmowers, you’ll see a short label on its front. The seller mentioned some tips for installing its general height. You can follow those prescriptions step by step. It makes your adjustment pattern easier.

There are two types of mowers. And each one has its own techniques to fix the height. Here, we’ll guide you properly that how to control both of them. Its categories include:

  • Hand operated mower
  • Battery operated mower

How to fix the height of hand operated mower?

It has one lever behind with four wheels. Doesn’t matter, if you want to raise or lower the cutter’s height, then follow these instructions with the step’s sequence.

Step 1:

Firstly, place your lawnmower on the flat, leveled surface.

Step 2:

Loosen its bolts carefully. And keep them at dry towel.

Step 3:

Lift up the deck and release the lever slightly down. After 2 to 3 seconds, lock it back in place.

Step 4:

Repeat the same process on other remaining wheels.

Step 5:

After completing this process, make sure that all of lever’s wheel and its mowing deck are at the same position.

This whole process adjusts the mower’s height at 4 to 5 inches more. After adjusting the height successfully, tighten the loosen bolts again.


How to secure the height of battery operated mower?

It is also quite easy to handle the height. Follow these 3-steps guide.

Step 1:

At start, switch off your lawnmower. And take the mower’s plug out of switch board. And keep it also on an even surface. That might be your pavement or driveway.

Step 2:

Pick up a measuring ruler to estimate the mower’s height from earth surface.

Step 3:

Slide its adjusting lever ahead to unlock the mower. Increase the cutting height up to 2.5 to 3 inches by pushing the mower’s lever upward.

Step 4:

Release the lever lightly to lock it again. And also measure the grass length to reconfirm the correct adjustment.

Furthermore, you can increase or decrease its height according to your turf species. Here we’ll mention two basic scenarios for selection of gadget’s height.


Top 2 strategies for choosing the mower’s height:

1. Trimming the cool season grass:

Such type of grass includes Blue, Rye, and Fescue. They are rapidly growing and stronger than others, especially in autumn and spring.

  • Cool season grasses:

You can set your mower’s deck height anywhere from 2 inches to 3 inches in this case. Plus, if you are a short heighted person, then I would prefer the 2 inches height.  The lawn’s turf increases its growth twice.

  • Spring/Autumn :

In such a climate, your lawn grass becomes vigorous. So, adjust the height up to 2.5 inches or between 2 to 2 ½.  This is for all age groups. Never increase the mower’s height due to your long height. Otherwise, you’ll not get your desired results.

2. Trimming the summer season grass:

Different types of turfs exist in this season also. That often includes Zoysia, Bermuda, and Bahiagrass. They have sensitive roots and stems due to some of their unique specifications.

Like, it doesn’t survive too long during summer thrive season. So, you need to be very careful while cutting such grasses.

  • Summer season grasses:

The best mower’s height for sorting this type of grass is nearly about 3 inches maximum. Because, their top surface doesn’t suffer from extra heat.

  • Autumn/Spring :

In this weather, warm-season grasses act much better than winter grasses. So, you cut it more longer than others. Like, just adjust the length of your deck up to 1 to 2 inches.


Tips for lawnmower’s adjustment:


Never ignore to read the labeled reminders. As, the mentioned height on label is mostly similar, because it is for common use. But, you can increase or decrease the mower’s height as per your desire. But, always observe the turf species first.

Generally, the first principle to cut the grass is removing its only 1/3rd top. But if you want something more, then cut its end up to 1-inch maximum.  Furthermore, if you notice the continuous and healthy growth of your lawn grass, you can trim it twice a week for better results.

Suitable mower’s height for newly sown grass:


Are you also one of those, who recently grew natural grass in their lawns? If yes! then never miss the chance to take care of them.

After first time installation, simply remove its ½ inches to ¾ inches of top ends. It’ll give a uniform and even appearance to your whole lawn surface. But, take just 1/3th of your turf end in each mowing. And repeat the same process in next turn.

What is the best time for cutting grass?

A lot of people are searching for this issue. You need to wait for at least 10 days after first trimming. If you are using mower on daily basis, then stop doing it. Otherwise, your lawn becomes flat.  There are a lot of other strategies to take care of the grass.  Like, watering your grass and leaving it in sunlight for nutrition.

After growth:

If your grass is growing vigorously within 10 to 14 days, just cut it off up to 3 to 4 inches. Because, the newly installed turf spread its seeds in a slight breeze.

How to cut the lawn grass | short or long?

It is best to refresh your grass longer. Because, your soul remained moist and healthy in this case. Even, it maintains its shade and promotes healthier grass to your lawn. If you keep your turf longer, it boosts the photosynthesis process on a larger area. Which is directly proportional to healthy growth.

Furthermore, longer grass doesn’t need much herbicides and other medications. As, its growth is 10 times slower than shorter one. That means, you need to mow your lawn less. But, if you keep your grass shorter, its root system becomes shallow. And doesn’t penetrate deeply into the soil.



Adjusting the lawn mower’s height is not tricky at all. You just need to lift up or lower its wheel by pulling or pushing its lever. In fact, the actual noticing factor, is when and which height we have to adopt for cutting the grass?

Never fix the mower’s height, when its engine is working. And place this gadget on a flat smooth surface while adjusting the height.